Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Berry Lemonade Recipe


This is just a quick post to share my new favourite drink seeing as we're going in to summer.

I wish I had taken more pictures as I was making it but I didn't, as usual.

It's super simple and as someone who absolutely loathes the effort it takes to drink enough water for my health, I find it's a lot easier to help the medicine go down with a spoonful of sugar...

You will need:

Berries of your choice, either frozen or fresh works fine. (I used strawberries and blueberries)
Sweetener (I used maple syrup, but I usually use agave syrup or stevia. Go ahead and use whatever fits your taste.)
Lemons or Lemon juice
Mint (Optional)

A blender/vitamix/anything that will blend those berries
A cup or something to drink from (I love mason jars)
A knife and chopping board
A sieve or tea strainer
A spoon
Straws (Optional)

To do:

(For a glass of berry lemonade)

In your blender/whatever (I used a handheld mixer thing and cup) add about 1/4th of a cup lemon juice, 1/4th of a cup of your chosen berries, and your sweetener to taste. (I used about two spoonfuls of maple syrup)

After its well blended, you're sure to have a kind of pulpy mix.
Take your sieve/tea strainer and positioning it above the glass, pour it through, occasionally scraping the strainer with your spoon to allow the liquid through.

Once your have your concentrated drink mix in the cup, fill the rest with water and add some ice.
You can add your mint leaves and lemon slices at this point too.

Voila! The perfect refreshing drink.
I plan on drinking a lot of these by the pool this summer!
What drinks do you rely on in summer?

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