So I just finished a post here where I talked about my shopping adventure, and now I'm going to share what I bought!
First off, I apologize of the quality of these pictures. They're uncreative, terribly lit, and done on an iPhone because my good camera charger has broken for no good reason and I have yet to replace it.
Taking care of that, I'll go straight in.
First up was Lush.
Lush has been one of my absolute favourite shops since I was a little kid.
Before I could only buy it in australia, which was frustrating seeing as I moved back and forth quite often, but they now have Lush stores popping up all over the place!
I was pretty overwhelmed when I first entered. I wanted to buy everything and use them all at once.
After much talking to a very friendly employee, I decided on this, which I believe is the Fizzbanger.
They're definitely not cheap here, but for my love of all things body product, I bought it.
It's about $6 for this one bath bomb, but there are cheaper, and more expensive ones.
Next up will be my Nature Republic things.
As much as I wish I could say I brought home a standee, I did not.
I have been craving all things citrusy, particularly orange, and this face mask was just a must have for my never-ending sheet mask collection. (About $1.90)
The famous aloe gel.
It's only about $6 and I have literally not stopped hearing about it, so I got one.
I was super eager to try it out, and busted in to it as soon as I took the picture.
It definitely smells nice, and it has a lot of advertised uses.
It did leave a sliiiight tacky feeling on my hands for a little while despite a lot of claims that it doesn't.
It doesn't bother me much, but to someone who is particularly sensitive about the feel of things, might not like it.
I've yet to use this for anything except my hands so far, but I'll keep you updated.Now if you have lived in Hawaii for any considerable amount of time, you will know that there really isn't many houses with bathes.
I don't know why. But there isn't.
After our most recent move (January), we had a bathtub, and I have been dying to get my hands on some Nature Republic bubble bath.
I have yet to use it but again, I will keep you posted!
It had a very nice light floral scent in the store, and I hope it stays on skin.
The hand creams. Ah the hand creams.
I actually heard about a girl who bought literally hundreds of these just to collect all the promotional Exo cards that used to come with them!
I have yet to use these but my mum, who has, likes them, and she's very picky with creams, so I'm assuming they're pretty nice.
As customary, the free samples with my purchase!
I don't remember what that first packet was, something aqua.
The second is a snail solution thing that I am definitely apprehensive to use.
The last is some kind of collagen thing.
Moving on to some things I got at Claire's.
A wire bun wrap thing made of lace.
Some lion door knocker-like earrings to match a necklace that is exactly the same.
Some faux plug kinda things.
And another little set of lion earrings.
Now for my forever 21 things!
You really cannot see much, and hanging them on hangers doesn't do much either.
This really god damn comfy jumpsuit that I'm sure everyone will yell at me for getting!
A romper with little daisies on it! Also not exactly suited to my body type, but I adore rompers, and this is the first time I've found one that fits.
These were high waisted jeans, and man I do not suit high waisted jeans, however, they made an excellent pair of regular jeans because they covered what a short shirt doesn't!
The last is just an oversized pair of distressed jean shorts.
It's going in to summer here, which means from hot to even hotter.
That was my little haul of the day!
Hope you enjoyed reading it, and maybe even come back for more!
Thank you!